Saturday, June 11, 2011

Our Relationship with the United States Forest Service

It's no secret to those of you who have attended gatherings in the last 10 or so years that the United States Forest Service Law Enforcement Division and many gathering participants haven't exactly been getting along. This year the Incident Command Team consists of all new staff except for the Health and Safety Officer. While I strongly recommend you pay attention to the notice at the top of this blog, there have been some dialogs that seem very positive. This year in Washington, I believe we have a chance to change the way we interact with the Law Enforcement Officers.

Now I'm not telling you that the USFS Cops are going to leave their guns at home, spend their days digging shitters and their nights at the drum circle, but ..... I do believe that we have the opportunity to forge a different relationship with the cops. That being said, we have a lot of years of bad blood to overcome and rebuilding trust will come slowly. But if we want to create peace in the world, we need to be that peace and create that peace in all our interactions with everyone, including the cops.

Here's some info from Plunker (who was one of the folks who started the gathering) on his interactions with the Forest Service.

*********BEGIN PLUNKER'S NOTES***************


Now that the word is out on Spring Circle... and i am back in Montana, i have written up the meeting... Friday, June 3rd between individuals and the forest service supervisor, others regarding this Year's Annual Gathering --
four people were at this meeting who intend to attend...
my raps are on what i observed and raps i shared.... the topics i mention were shared 'round-robin" fashion, altogether with all sitting around, and by each of the individuals who attended with each of the Forest Service attending... it was, a good meeting.... --- note: folks who would like to be at these meetings... please come out to scout, etc, ---- these meetings, with the Forest Service Stewards of the National Forest are done in Respect to all the rest of the People of the United States of North America who share the public lands....
when the Forest Supervisor, others comes to the land... speak up, be up.. peace.... [note; my notes are incomplete... only my observes] beaplunker

i wasn't on the phone conference call (reported, in part, by Karin) -- with Incident Commander, etc....
(see attached)

I been out scouting, starting may 8th.... for some days... then back to Montana, then back to the field (snow still out there)... and while there, due to some good chance, etc... when the suggestion came up that folks outa consider meeting with the Forest Supervisor Janine Clayton (sp) at her offices in Vancouver... i, plus several other folks agreed to go forth, contact and meet... [note: in various raps i have indicated i would be going scouting and seeking to contact the fs... i.e. in region... i spoke of this at Tksgiving Circle, etc...

prior to the meeting, i called garrick and asked him to encourage Leane Martin (sp) - forest supervisor from penn... to contact with supervisor clayton... gb sent out a contact... he met supervisor martin in penn..... . and held good raps....

arrived at offices, in vancouver, wa... for 3pm.... four Individuals attended... "sister", "genoem" (sp), Teryani, and me... barry..

supervisor clayton and some of her resource staff met with the four of us in a conference room....

Her first words went something like this, 'welcome, how can we help you".... and the meeting got more positive after this.... supervisor clayton, and her staff, were gracious, helpful... spoke of the public lands, glad that folks were into use of national forest...

Earl Ford, Natural Resources Staff Officer i.e. resource coordinator, (afro-american).... informed, experienced... gave us some tips on potential sites... [a couple mentioned were ones already being considered]
Chris Strebig, public affairs... informed, helpful, also help point out potential sites
Diane - Secretary, goods vibes
Ed Audelo, resource

Four of us... Speaking, acting only as individuals, sharing knowledge i.e. relating basic raps:

(1) only individuals,

(2) circle on the land is where the process is worked out...

(3) only there (in meeting) as information gatherers...

(4) Gathering is peaceable assembly, free speech event

(5) Gathering is composed of many elements and people, including "rainbow family"

(6) requested preference for communications, working out situations that supervisor Janine Clayton, others of forest service, etc... meet with other individuals, ON THE LAND work out situations through operations plan... as Leanne Martin (sp) did in Annual Gathering in Penn..... [ Janine Clayton said she knew Leanne for years, were friends]

(7) On the Land is where things get worked out and in the process of this peaceable gathering, free speech event... there is an effort to enjoy "shared power" of equality.... Teryani spoke an excellent rap on "shared power"... Sister was very good, and Genoem also....

(8) expressed interest in various areas of the forest... maps were gotten out... and areas were discussed... including criteria such as meadows, parking, water, size of area (minimum 1 sq mile for gatherings, these days)

(9) i mentioned (among others) that it was hoped "no guns" and the I.C. law enforcement to be better than in the past...

(10) i mentioned that it was hoped jennie would not give up her Delegation of Authority...
and when.. a third resource guy named Ed mentioned "a permit" if not doing "disbursed camping" ... at that time i spoke to Janine and said that gb
[when i mentioned the new mexico case... it seemed to be recognized]

when i mentioned "interpretative rule" janine was interested.... and pointed out it may take a "political appointee" to instigate such a rule.... i mentioned that i have asked one of my Facebook friends mark rey, who was a political appointee with agriculture to help [i have, and am encouraging others to contact him-- he ain't replied yet]

An example:
of an "interpretative rule" in 36 cfr 251.261 i.e. when there is no "signer" OR possibility of "signer" i.e. like in Gatherings of individuals in free expression.... then --


Something like this would be an Option for any assemblies of persons on forest land.... who can not, or do not, or will not.... agree to a "signer", etc...

(11) I asked in 5 different ways, as to what areas in the Forests... Gifford Pinchot.... and Mt. Baker/ Snoqualimine (north of highway 12) are open for exploration, scouting....

the Forest Service Reply, from janine and Earl and Chris was:

ALL THE FOREST IS OPEN, except for the MT. ADAMS WILDERNESS, THE INDIAN HEAVEN WILDERNESS... TRAPPER CREEK WILDERNESS, two small places i.e. the WIND RIVER EXPERIMENTAL FOREST, and. one other experimental forest.. plus the BIG LAVA BEDS which are impossible to gather on...
Note: Wilderness are not in scouting vibes to begin with...

(12) This means that the Skookum meadow, Lone Butte areas listed as WILDLIFE EMPHASIS AREAS... are beautiful areas with fine habitat... AND, according to Forest Service, at this meeting, when we indicated gatherers don't camp in meadows..... that ALL AREAS WERE OPEN (these also) for consideration...
good news ---

FOREST SERVICE: Janine indicated she would come to the circle on the land, work with the process, and if she had a problem she would speak up....

(13) i gave her and staff a copy of the DVD of Wyoming 2008... (j. kalafer)

These folks, in my opinion, were gracious, helpful, curious, acted in very respectful fashion.. in fact, i said after, (and still) IT WAS THE BEST FIRST MEETING WITH FOREST SERVICE I HAVE ATTENDED IN OVER 40 years of doing this stuff.... from what was said by others in attendance... they felt good about the meeting also....

A couple more items...

1. Janine indicated the tax base in the area is low... so few (if any) emergency facilities.. i.e. gathering is on its own for ambulances... etc...
2. and she indicated they would likely enjoy influx of money from gatherers....
3. SPECIAL NOTE: NOXIOUS PLANTS AND WEEDS ... Supervisor Clayton is concerned... PLEASE dont bring outside plants and weeds... AND, please check your vehicles for such... clean before entering area...

This was a very positive meeting... and from what is being reported concerning the Law enforcement Incident commander call (see karen rap) also somewhat positive... this could be a GOOD YEAR...

HOWEVER.... GO SLOW, THERE IS SNOW in area, and after melting.. places will still be wet...
1-503-727-2498.... these directions are good for those coming from the South and/or West...
if you are traveling from the East and/or northeast... you may consider....

See the town of Carson on hwy 14, north side of Columbia River... travel north on WINDY RIVER road over Old Man Pass... Windy River Road turns into Meadow Creek Road... then you come to the corner of Curley Creek Road, turn LEFT i.e. West then travel over the hill to FR90 or Lewis River Road... turn Left onto FR90... past EAGLE CLIFF... then you will come to where 503 and highway 25/131 that runs toward Mt. St. Helens... turn NORTH on 25... travel until you come to FR 9300.. turn right i.e. East... travel to FR 9310... then turn RIGHT -- travel a mile or so... to Spring Circle (old quarry)...

FROM THE EAST: The town of Carson can be reached either by traveling hwy 14 and/or traveling Interstate 84... south side of Columbia... toward Portland... then, at Biggs.. cross over to Northside to highway 14....
continue to Carson....

Spring circle may happen... and be there for a few days.... plus, even if a site is known... with the weather the way is has been (biggest snow in 14 years)... so meadows will be WET, EASILY DAMAGED... Gathering Site may be ready ONLY by around 18th or 20th of June.... things gotta dry...
Patience is Waiting! Grok!

When on-Site... PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD.... BUILD UP, NOT DIG DOWN... meaning build HEARTHS.... i.e. on ground spread rocks, and dirt, then build FIRE UP... i.e. so when clean-up remove ashes... dirt, rocks... water the roots of the grass underneath... Meadows are delicate....

PARKING WILL BE A DIFFICULTY ------ AND, PLEASE BRING TRASH BAGS... many of the places where people stop in Washington seem garbaged....

This is a Beautiful area... Gathering amidst the "Ring of Fire" "Triangle of Lights" " " Eternal Flames", etc... Volcanos - Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Rainier, Mt. Adams, Mt. Hood...

this Year must be extra-cool because of the apparent location

also, tragedy is part and particle of this area.... so healing is the vibrations....

These woods are magical.

Loving the Gathering to happen...
I head out again... soon come --

peace, love, just us,
barry, plunker, montana, rainbow family tribe (imagi-creed)
**************END PLUNKER'S NOTES********************

Hey everyone,

Just to make sure we're not keeping secrets, today (6/7/2011) there was a conference call that got thrown together at the last minute regarding this year's annual gathering of the tribes.  I did not take formal notes, but here is a high level overview - other people who were on the call should feel free to chime in with corrections, clarifications or additional perspectivies.

The call included USFS Law Enforcement Special Agent in Charge for the Northwest Region,  Barb Severson; Deputy Regional Forester for the Northwest Region, Lenise Lago; Gifford-Pinochet Forest Supervisor Janine Clayton; Coleville National Forest Supervisor, Steve Rawlings; USFS Health and Safety Officer Bob Begley, and USFS LEO ICT Commander, Gary  Campbell in addition to a number of gathering participants, many of whom were silent participants.

Gary Campbell indicated a strong desire to change the paradigm by which the gathering and the USFS interact.  Gathering participants and Gary Campbell expressed a strong desire to increase the amount of and frequency of communications as well as work on how these communications/interactions take place.

It was clearly stated on the call that any decisions about the gathering need to be made by people on the land, that individuals on the phone call were not representatives, but rather participants in gatherings, and that while we could not completely ignore the past, it made more sense to focus on the future.

Various recommendations were made by gathering participants including but not limited to having a daily circle with the USFS near INFO, encouraging gathering participants to walk with USFS staff inside the gathering, changing the manner by which the LEOs handle minor vehicle infractions on the road in, coordinating USFS LEO movies inside the gathering the minimize escalation of conflicts, numerous methods of deescalating behaviors for both gathering participants and LEOs. Further discussion included increasing communication among a variety of government health departments and gathering participants.

There was no discussion about the group use regulation or the permit requirement what so ever.  

Gary Campbell has started to meet with and brief his team. From what he said on the call, he seems focused on creating in his team a new way of thinking in relationship to the gathering.

Personally, I feel very positive about today's call and I myself am going to move forward with an open heart in the hopes that we can be the peace we want to see at our gatherings.  The olive branch has been offered. While I understand that years of negative experience may leave us jaded, I hope that we can think positive thoughts, have productive communications and keep our eyes open. 

Much love,

********END  KARIN'S NOTES*************


  1. went to the 77 in n.m. i cant belive how rainbow has changed not for the better im no more

  2. Hey anon, the Family has not changed, the realities have. We must work with USFS, without a cooperative effort, the USFS and other LEO's can make a Gathering everything it should not be. I don't care for the process but its an evil we must put up with.

    As to the sites mentioned, wonderful! And all within a days drive for me!
    Loving Family, see all of you soon...

  3. "there is no way to peace...peace is the way

  4. i was in wa
    not once did hear 6 up
